Monday, May 25, 2020

Assessment and the Counseling Process - 1204 Words

Assessment is a household name in the field of counselling. It has long been considered an important aspect of the counselling process. Assessment and counselling are almost the same. Assessment helps counsellors identify the nature of client’s concerns and also highlights possible treatment (Mnkandla 2000). In addition it helps clients gain insight into their problems and identify alternative solutions. Assessment devices are administered in a consistent manner to a wide variety of people to aid the counsellors. These devices are in a form of standardised tests. Whilst standardised tests are an important tool in counseling they have their merits and demerits. Assessment according to Hoghughi (1992:4) in Assessment Methods in Counselling by Makore-Rukuni, is â€Å"continuous process of identifying problems and determining what should be done about them†. Standardised tests are assessment instruments designed by people with specialized training in test construction, given to everyone under the same conditions. (Kasayira Gwasira 2005). Standardised testing originated from China in 300BC where candidates for Chinese Imperial Services had to take competitive examinations which covered the six arts which include music, horsemanship and arithmetic writing. In the 1930’s and 1940’s assessment and counselling was synonymous with one another (Hood Johnson 2007). Counsellors are advised to make use of standardized tests after they get training on how to apply them. TheShow MoreRelatedApplying Assessment Results to Clients During the Counseling Process1124 Words   |  5 PagesApplying assessment results to client is essential is assisting individuals who may be coping with stressful situations. 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